Our Why

Our boys are our why.  We have been through many struggles trying to get them what they need to help them feel like they are important members of society.  We want to use our knowledge and experience to help others navigate a world that often does not see people with disabilities as capable.

Our son Ben has been working at the same place for seven years. He started at minimum wage. He has only gotten one raise. When he recently asked for another raise, he was told that they weren’t able to do that right now. Not only that, but they cut his hours back. He needs and deserves a job that values his hard work and dedication. The JAMES Foundation will help him.

Our son James is a life skills student and has a few more years left before he graduates. We want him to have meaningful opportunities after high school that don’t involve sitting in a typical day program. We have seen them and we don’t like them.

Our son Zack lives in a group home and does not like it. They do not do a lot as far as activities. He works at the day program and has struggled to find a job outside of the facility. We want to help.

There are many other individuals that need this type of support and we want to give it. Our dream is to have individuals like our sons participate in meaningful activities and have employment that is not stagnant. Employment where they can be paid a livable wage.