Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the criteria to receive help?

You must be a young adult that has graduated from high school that had an IEP and was classified as a Life Skills student.  At this time, because we are just starting out, we cannot accept young adults that are classified as severe and profound.  Eventually, we would like to serve this population, but right now due to limited resources, our capabilities are limited.  We can provide advocacy and resources that may help you.

2. What does The JAMES Foundation hope to accomplish?

We hope to be able to provide employment opportunities for young adults.  We hope to accomplish this by educating business owners and supporting them.  We also hope to be able to advocate for disabled individuals and their families when needed.  A third dream is to be able to provide mentors to help individuals and families through life’s challenges.

3. How can I help?

You can help in several ways.  Donate money or donate a service such as printing so that we can provide literature to business owners and others to spread our mission.  You can volunteer to be a mentor.  It is not a time-consuming commitment.  You just need to touch base with the person and/or family at least weekly.  You can do more.  Help us at fundraising events when we ask.  We will be participating in local events to spread the word.

4. Why are you doing this when there are already agencies out there?

We want to be different.  Some of the agencies out there are big and cannot help closely because they have large caseloads.  We want to be able to empower business owners and community members to work with us so we can serve more people in a more intimate way.

5. Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes!! We have our 501(c)3 status and your donation is fully tax deductible.